For example, we can see a Muslim woman who shalehah, carry symbols-symbols of Islam. However, ignoring the health and oral hygiene and himself. Not concerned with the health and aroma that comes out of the mouth or body. Or vice versa, so great attention to health and hygiene herself but neglect worship and symbols-symbols of the implementation of other Islam. For example, we find there is a Muslim devoted to worship but do not have the right view of Islam as a whole, 'how to address the nature of Islam, and human life. '
There is a good spirit of Islamic learning. Enthusiastically attended assemblies science, but did not keep her spoken of ghibah (wag) and namimah (pitting).
There is a personal relationship with Allah SWT good, but do not maintain good relations with neighbors and friends.
There is the relationship with friends and good neighbors but did not perform well the rights of parents. Less-if not-they did not in filial to his parents.
There was a dutiful toward his parents but did not fulfill the rights of her husband. Shown with beautifully dressed when attending meetings with the ladies but never improve her appearance in front of her husband.
There was a dutiful to her husband but does not help her husband to devote to his parents. Or do not support her husband to do good, righteous and pious charity.
There was a dutiful to her husband but less attention to coaching and children's personality formation. Less memperatikan kejiwaaan development and their sense. Less attention to the surrounding environment which gives effect to the sons and daughters.
Some are concerned that all therapies are less relationship to his brothers.
There is a friendship of good family, but its relationship with the surrounding environment is not good. Busy with his personal affairs. No matter the problems of the Muslims and Muslimat.
There is attention to personal matters and Muslims, but less attention to the development of knowledge. Do not add to his knowledge by studying and keep reading.
Some are busy with learning but neglects domestic affairs, the son of his daughter and her husband.
If we feel wonder of it all, our astonishment will increase when we learn that it all came from the Muslim woman who has a pretty good level of awareness of this religion. From the Muslim woman who grew up in an Islamic environment and have sufficient knowledge of religion is not small! This is sometimes due to not caring or not thinking about the whole view which has been taught by Islam. Comprehensive view of human life, and natural surroundings. The view that encourages a person to see things in balance. Not prioritize one aspect at the expense of other aspects.
People who pay close attention to the Quranic verses and hadiths will discover so many arguments that explain the behavior that should be owned by a Muslim woman in a relationship with his Lord, his personal formation and its relationship with other people. Order of life which regulates everything from big to small. All of these texts will provide signposts that lead to a purposeful and balanced life. The life that guarantees happiness, success and luck in the world and a very large in the hereafter.
All this that has been outlined by Islam in the Qur'an and Sunnah will deliver a Muslim woman get a genuine personality. Personality that is consistent with the nature. So that gave birth to a Muslim woman is superior, noble and excellent in feeling, thinking, behavior and relationships.
Achieving this level is essential for the life of mankind in general because women have a huge influence to the lives of future generations, scoring the fighters, instill values, decorate life with love, affection and beauty as well as meet the household with a sense of security, calm , calm and peaceful.
Muslim woman is the only woman who could illuminate the world of the modern woman who has been saturated with the philosophy of materialism and ignorance lifestyle that dominates life today. It's by introducing himself, exposes himself to the pure sources permikiran to then re-arrange the original personality is a personality that has been established by the Qur'an and As Sunnah.
I hope God gives taufiq Subhaanahu Wata'aala on us all to committed and in which religion has brought His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.